Special FREE Teacher’s Guide and Video for : ART In ACTION!
At ACTFL 2015 in San Diego, Melinda Forward presented a session on strategies to engage and inspire students with art. The mission: Empower kid with SUCCESS so the LOVE school and 100% graduate college or career ready.
This presentation shows how to make a big impact in SIMPLE, FUN, FREE ways!
ACTFL – American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages
Annual Convention in San Diego, 2015
Engage! Inspire! Transform!
Art opens new worlds for students! It is a vital element in all cultures. How do you teach it to high school students, especially ones who don’t know much about art? Well, I have some strategies that work with ALL students. In a school of high poverty, my students have different life experiences and challenges. This workshop focuses on how I first start a unit on art, how I get students excited by success with painting and Total Physical Response. Check it out!
My mission is to:
INSPIRE students with SUCCESS
so they LOVE school
100% GRADUATE ready for
college or careers.
Get FREE tools to engage and inspire your kids through SUCCESS!
DOWNLOAD your FREE resources from Melinda’s workshop!
VIDEO: Engage and Inspire with Art in Action! presented by Melinda Forward
ACTFL Art in Action! Presentation Handouts
ACTFL Presentation PDF
ACTFL 2015 Vocabulary Illustration page
Bonus resources from Melinda!
A teacher from the workshop sent me a message that she was going to be taking a field trip to a local museum. I created this handout for students to complete while at the museum and then upon their return.
Museum Activity – Sketch Compare and Contrast 2 works of art – Student Illustration page
Museum Activity – Sketch Compare and Contrast 2 works of art – Student Illustration page (English version)