Art in ACTION! Lessons

Special FREE Teacher’s Guide and Video for : ART In ACTION!

At ACTFL 2015 in San Diego, Melinda Forward presented a session on strategies to engage and inspire students with art. The mission: Empower kid with SUCCESS so the LOVE school and 100% graduate college or career ready.

This presentation shows how to make a big impact in SIMPLE, FUN, FREE ways!

ACTFL – American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages 

Annual Convention in San Diego, 2015

Engage!  Inspire!  Transform!

ACTFL AbstractKids' Awesome art work

Art opens new worlds for students! It is a vital element in all cultures. How do you teach it to high school students, especially ones who don’t know much about art? Well, I have some strategies that work with ALL students. In a school of high poverty, my students have different life experiences and challenges. This workshop focuses on how I first start a unit on art, how I get students excited by success with painting and  Total Physical Response. Check it out!

My mission is to: 

INSPIRE students with SUCCESS
so they LOVE school
100% GRADUATE ready for
college or careers.

 Get FREE tools to engage and inspire your kids through SUCCESS!

DOWNLOAD your FREE resources from Melinda’s workshop!

ACTFL presentation screen shot

Bonus resources from Melinda!
A teacher from the workshop sent me a message that she was going to be taking a field trip to a local museum. I created this handout for students to complete while at the museum and then upon their return.

Teacher Testimonial:

Your ACTFL presentation inspired me and I was hoping you could post or send me your lesson plan.  I was just about to cancel a field trip to the Seattle Art Museum to see an impressionist exhibit and then I went to your session. I am now excited to teach the lesson you showed us and take them to the museum on Dec 16th.  I am also being evaluated and need to show students interacting with each other using higher level questioning skills. I think this lesson is perfect and was wondering what would be the next steps and how it went with your students on Monday.
I attended a multi day workshop you presented near Sea-Tac airport a few years ago and bought all your French and Spanish books.  When I went to your presentation last Sunday I wasn’t sure if I would gain additional knowledge and was thrilled to experience the art lesson and I am excited to teach it!”
Lynn Johnston


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